6 Tips to Make Blended Learning Work For You admin, August 11, 2018October 11, 2023 From school settings to large corporates, blended learning has become a fundamental part of learning systems. Not surprising, given its numerous advantages! From school settings to large corporates, blended learning has become a fundamental part of learning systems. Not surprising, given its numerous advantages! A well-designed blended learning strategy provides organizations with the best of traditional classroom training and eLearning. It is cost-effective and improves learning effectiveness. But for a successful blended learning program, you need to pay careful attention to its design. Top Tips To Make Blended Learning Work for you ⦁ Make judicious use of the different channels The key to a successful blended learning program is building a clear blueprint that lays down how different parts of the course content will be delivered. It must ensure a good mix of living, face-to-face, online, and self-paced learning. However, there is no defined approach to deciding on the proportion of classroom training to digital learning. It usually depends on a lot of factors like: ⦁ Subjects being covered – Some course elements benefit from direct interaction between trainers and learners while others are better served through digital formats like or videos. ⦁ Geographical restraints – Logistical challenges like the trainers and learners being geographically spread or restricted time availability, typically push up the learning component. ⦁ Personalization of the training – With blended learning, training can be customized to meet the specific goals of different teams – this also influences blended learning design. ⦁ Adopt the Flipped Classroom technique With the flipped classroom approach you can maximize the value of the time spent in classroom training. Learners are provided with all necessary learning material via e-learning modules such that they are equipped with the basic knowledge before attending the classroom training. Shifting assessments online can also be a great way to improve the efficiency of the learning course, as it is easier to conduct the testing online and also to track metrics. ⦁ Involve Multiple Stakeholders Blended learning is complex as it has many moving parts. You have to devise a carefully balanced strategy that makes the best use of the different resources available. Make every effort to involve all important stakeholders– SMEs, L&D teams, Trainers, Learners – to ensure a smooth-flowing program. ⦁ Deploy a powerful LMS There are innumerable feature-rich Learning Management Systems available today which can be used to make your eLearning modules engaging, easy to consume and informative. But make sure to administer proper training for both trainers and learners so the LMS is utilized to its full potential. ⦁ Facilitate collaborative learning Classroom training is not very conducive to collaborative learning. Use your eLearning platform to promote interaction between learners – this not only helps them understand the concepts better but also helps build team spirit. You can also leverage exciting trends like social learning, gamification to amp up the fun quotient. ⦁ Monitor Your Program Having robust metrics to evaluate your blended learning program is essential to spot and improve any issues learners or trainers are having with the program. This will help you course-correct appropriately and in time, putting you on the path to success. AIMS Digital has the expertise and the experts to craft a blended learning strategy that will deliver a seamless training experience spanning Classroom, virtual and eLearning for your learners. blended learning Custom eLearning custom e-learning contentFlipped ClassroomPersonalized training
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Social Media in Office? Are You Serious??!! October 4, 2017October 12, 2023 Oftentimes, corporate employees need to undergo training for their overall development and progress. On the other hand, you may have to take the role of a teacher to share new business strategies, technologies, and skills at a workplace. However, we cannot just throw knowledge aids at the learners and hope… Read More
blended learning Tricking The Mind to Learn: Benefiting From Cognitive Biases March 28, 2018October 12, 2023 Left to itself, learning is a fairly simple process. We see; we experience; and we learn. Our mind somehow assimilates the information that interests it, and it gets retained. The challenge arises when we look to impart formal, sit-down training. That is when things get tricky. Any training that is… Read More