blended learning Gaming the System: Navigating the World of Game-Based Learning admin, September 4, 2024 Game-based learning and Integration of gamification in elearning courses share a common thread: they both use games as a vehicle for education. These methods leverage the engaging power of games to enhance learning experiences, making them more interactive and enjoyable. But while the concept of integrating games into educational settings… Continue Reading
blended learning 6 Tips to Make Blended Learning Work For You admin, August 11, 2018October 11, 2023 From school settings to large corporates, blended learning has become a fundamental part of learning systems. Not surprising, given its numerous advantages! From school settings to large corporates, blended learning has become a fundamental part of learning systems. Not surprising, given its numerous advantages! Continue Reading
blended learning Critical Steps for A Successful Flash to HTML5 migration Of Your eLearning Courses admin, August 10, 2018October 11, 2023 Mobile learning has become a key priority for companies. Employees prefer the ease, convenience, and accessibility of smartphones for consuming elearning courses. This trend has, however, put companies having legacy Flash elearning content in a bind as flash is not mobile-compatible. Continue Reading
blended learning 5 Reasons Why Flash to HTML5 migration Makes Business Sense admin, July 31, 2018October 11, 2023 As an L&D professional, have you been wondering if it makes sense to embark on the Flash to HTML5 migration process? Several companies have investments locked into Flash-based legacy eLearning courses. Continue Reading
blended learning 7 Reasons Why Adopting mLearning Should be A Top Priority admin, July 17, 2018October 11, 2023 Smartphones are near ubiquitous today. With over 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide there is hardly anyone these days who doesn’t have one buzzing with texts and notifications. Beyond transforming communication, the mobility revolution has had a dramatic impact on businesses. eLearning has also seen a significant shift thanks to the… Continue Reading
blended learning Is your eLearning Course Really Working? 5 Reasons to Track Learner Progress admin, May 18, 2018October 11, 2023 An eLearning program is only as good as the difference it makes to its learners. People participate in an eLearning course for various reasons. It could be to gain knowledge, to improve or learn new skills, to get motivated, etc. But over time, with the same course being imparted, a… Continue Reading
Pokémon Go or Learning-on-the-go? admin, May 6, 2018October 11, 2023 The most talked about words in the world of technology these days are Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The concept of Virtual Reality was initiated for the video game industry. It can possibly be “the next big thing” in eLearning industry as well, but it seems that VR… Continue Reading
blended learning 5 Ways a New Skill Can Help Improve Your Career admin, April 21, 2018October 11, 2023 Learning is not a destination, but a journey. Every day, every new experience, every interaction with a person, known or unknown, is an opportunity to learn something new. At times consciously; at times, subconsciously. At your workplace, it becomes even more critical to keep learning, whether it’s new skills, new… Continue Reading
Articulate Storyline – Whose Tool Is It Anyway? admin, April 3, 2018October 11, 2023 There was a time when one could be sure of their responsibilities – the ID did the writing, the designer created the graphics assets, and the developer created the course. That’s it – very simple. No stepping on each other’s toes. But all that changed with the advent of rapid… Continue Reading
blended learning Tricking The Mind to Learn: Benefiting From Cognitive Biases admin, March 28, 2018October 12, 2023 Left to itself, learning is a fairly simple process. We see; we experience; and we learn. Our mind somehow assimilates the information that interests it, and it gets retained. The challenge arises when we look to impart formal, sit-down training. That is when things get tricky. Any training that is… Continue Reading
blended learning QA In eLearning – How Important Is It? admin, March 3, 2018October 12, 2023 Have you ever bought anything that isn’t tested for quality; even something intangible? So, would anyone really buy “education” before assuring a quality check? Nonetheless, before talking about the quality assurance in eLearning, let’s first see what the term “quality” actually means. To put in simple words, it is “a measure of… Continue Reading
blended learning Creating an Impact – with Videos admin, February 26, 2018October 12, 2023 Google any topic, and at least 3-4 (if not more) results will turn out to be videos. Engaging, interactive, very clickable, there is a reason why videos are better at passing on information and ideas than static visuals or text-only methods. For many years now, trainers have been relying upon… Continue Reading
blended learning 70:20:10 – Read Between the Numbers admin, January 29, 2018October 12, 2023 Learning is a natural process. Anybody who has been a trainer or a student knows how much the mind can take in at a sitting and how long it retains it. Everybody’s learning curve and method is different. Yet, research and empirical data show that there is a certain rhythm… Continue Reading
blended learning Instructional Design vs. Content Writing – Two Sides of the Same Coin? admin, December 19, 2017October 12, 2023 Writing is an art form. And, it comes in various flavors – fiction, biographical, historical, technical… and more. And the humble, writing for the learning industry. Take Instructional Designers and Content Writers. Their task goes beyond – way beyond – simply writing, and enters the realm of knowledge sharing. These… Continue Reading
blended learning 4 Ways to Get Your Subject Matter Experts to Your Side. And Keep Them There! admin, December 8, 2017October 12, 2023 Subject Matter Experts are critical links in creating an informative and technically accurate learning experience. However, since SMEs are busy people who have additionally been tasked with providing support to training initiatives, it’s not always easy to get them to spare the time for you; yet, a delay in coordination… Continue Reading
blended learning 4 Tips for Writing Meaningful Learning Content admin, November 29, 2017October 12, 2023 There’s content, and there’s content. However, not all content is conducive for learning . And therein begins the slide of your storyboarding efforts towards ineffectiveness. Here are some tips that can help you write meaningful content, which could lead to effective learning. Continue Reading
blended learning 6 Points to Keep In Mind While Choosing an Outsourcing Content Development Partner , November 15, 2017October 12, 2023 Every organization has its core competencies; however, these organizations can’t have every possible skill under the sky; which is why outsourcing exists. You possess the skilled personnel to focus on the core business of your organization, but some aspects of your work, the ancillary ones, need to be outsourced to… Continue Reading
Form-Fit-Function – Is it Applicable in the eLearning Industry? admin, November 7, 2017October 12, 2023 Can learning be ‘engineered’? What if we were to use best practices from other domains to improve the way we create learning? Here’s how a basic concept from the manufacturing industry can be adapted to the learning industry. Continue Reading
LCMS, or LMS – What’s the Difference? admin, October 30, 2017October 12, 2023 Most of us might be confused about the difference between a learning management system (LMS) and a learning content management system (LCMS). At first glance, these two solutions do look and sound very similar, but they actually provide very different functions at different stages of the learning process. If you’re… Continue Reading
Social Media in Office? Are You Serious??!! admin, October 4, 2017October 12, 2023 Oftentimes, corporate employees need to undergo training for their overall development and progress. On the other hand, you may have to take the role of a teacher to share new business strategies, technologies, and skills at a workplace. However, we cannot just throw knowledge aids at the learners and hope… Continue Reading
6 Tips to Gain Your Learner’s Attention admin, September 27, 2017October 12, 2023 Every so often, while developing an eLearning course, we think about the different strategies and instructional models that will help us to create an effective eLearning course. But, an important aspect of this effectiveness is capturing the learner’s attention. In today’s world of fast-paced life and short attention spans, if… Continue Reading
Articulate Rise – Does It Rise to the Occasion? admin, September 14, 2017October 12, 2023 The Articulate Storyline family of offerings keeps getting better! The Storyline 360 suite came with a lot of additional bells and whistles, one of them being Articulate Rise. What does Rise achieve? Well, Rise is a web app that helps create fully responsive eLearning courses. Be ready, though, to change your… Continue Reading
Personalized Learning: Would You like Fries with That?! admin, September 8, 2017October 12, 2023 In this constantly evolving world of learning technology, the phrase personalized learning seems to be a buzz phrase that is used as opposed to the “one-size-fits-all” form of instruction. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as the supporting technologies and approaches emerge. The “personalized” form of learning involves… Continue Reading
The Future of eLearning admin, August 18, 2017October 12, 2023 Here is a peek into the future of eLearning. The possibilities are endless, and we highlight some of them. Where do you see eLearning headed to, in the future? What exciting opportunities will they open up for the world? We would love to know your thoughts! Continue Reading
7 Ways to Assess Your Learners Effectively , August 8, 2017October 12, 2023 The most effective way to identify whether your learners have acquired and retained the necessary skills and knowledge from your eLearning course is using assessments wisely. It is one of the most important tools in assessing your learners’ performance objectively. Continue Reading
Making Whiteboard Animation Work for You admin, August 8, 2017October 12, 2023 Most educational institutes and corporate organizations rely on white or blackboards for imparting their training in classrooms. But a new wave of digital learning is sweeping the area and making the process more engaging. We’re talking about whiteboard animation. When used correctly, it shows the promise of imparting knowledge in… Continue Reading
Let’s do away with storyboarding… admin, August 2, 2017October 12, 2023 Not! Imagine starting out on a road trip to a new destination, without a roadmap (or the GPS lady!) – you’ll probably end up regretting starting out at all! It’s the same thing with a storyboard – loves it or hates it, you just can’t do without one. I mean,… Continue Reading
Bite-sized learning: So you don’t bite off more than you can chew admin, July 23, 2017October 12, 2023 Many professionals believe that bite-sized learning has always been the right size of learning. Some people may think it to be something that contains more useful content and that fits smaller screens or any screen. Micro-learning is learning in smaller fragments and goes hand in hand with traditional methods of… Continue Reading
Beating the ‘Limitations’ of mLearning admin, July 6, 2017October 12, 2023 Mobile learning, or mLearning, has become a buzzword for L&D teams and educational institutions across the world. And, why not? After all, with billions of world citizens toting mobile phones in their pockets, it was only a matter of time that mobile phones were considered to be the next big… Continue Reading
Keeping Pace, with mLearning admin, June 24, 2017October 12, 2023 Learning whenever, wherever, has never been easier, with the development of mobile device educational technology. Mobile phones, tablets, handheld computers and notebooks have become more than mere communication, social media, and gaming devices, they can now be utilized as easy to use and extremely portable means of which to further… Continue Reading