Social Media in Office? Are You Serious??!! admin, October 4, 2017October 12, 2023 Oftentimes, corporate employees need to undergo training for their overall development and progress. On the other hand, you may have to take the role of a teacher to share new business strategies, technologies, and skills at a workplace. However, we cannot just throw knowledge aids at the learners and hope that they will retain the knowledge. Moving away from the out-dated idea of “learning being all about formal training events or online courses,” Social Learning has become a much more recognized concept at a workplace since the dawn of social media. Read the article blended learning Custom eLearning Learner Engagement Flipped Classroomlearning outsourcing companysocial learning
Do I convert/create Mobile Learning or contract to have it done? June 9, 2017October 12, 2023 Any organization that is considering the possibility of introducing mobile learning (mLearning) in its training programs would have to make choice between a home brewed and an outsourced solution. The decision, however, is not simple or straightforward, as a number of challenges need to be addressed. Those are: Read More
blended learning Creating an Impact – with Videos February 26, 2018October 12, 2023 Google any topic, and at least 3-4 (if not more) results will turn out to be videos. Engaging, interactive, very clickable, there is a reason why videos are better at passing on information and ideas than static visuals or text-only methods. For many years now, trainers have been relying upon… Read More
Bite-sized learning: So you don’t bite off more than you can chew July 23, 2017October 12, 2023 Many professionals believe that bite-sized learning has always been the right size of learning. Some people may think it to be something that contains more useful content and that fits smaller screens or any screen. Micro-learning is learning in smaller fragments and goes hand in hand with traditional methods of… Read More