Creating an Impact – with Videos admin, February 26, 2018October 12, 2023 Google any topic, and at least 3-4 (if not more) results will turn out to be videos. Engaging, interactive, very clickable, there is a reason why videos are better at passing on information and ideas than static visuals or text-only methods. For many years now, trainers have been relying upon videos to impart knowledge. And in today’s digital age, it makes even more sense to maximise the potential of videos in eLearning programmes. Smartphones and tablets have made it easier for people to access content, whenever and wherever they want. But as with any technology, there are a few pros and cons to using videos in your training modules, for trainers as well as for learners. Here’s a look at what you need to know before you include videos in your eLearning modules: The pros: Learner-friendly: Videos can break down a complex concept and help make it easier to grasp. You can include real-life scenarios and make them more relatable. Engaging: We can’t stress enough on how videos can capture the attention of the audience and keep them riveted. Studies have shown that learning and retention is much better when videos are used. Platform-independent: Learners use a wide variety of devices and traditionally eLearning content needed to be created to adapt to work on most, if not all, devices. Videos transcend this limitation and work just as well with all devices, irrespective of platform or screen size. Interactive: Many people are of the opinion that videos are not interactive in the least. The situation can be changed by writing out the perfect script that creates reasons for feedback, using situations, scenarios and quizzes too. Unforgettable: Remember how it was always easier to memorise songs and movie dialogues than it was to cram up school content? The reason: it was fun, entertaining and very unforgettable. Easy to deploy: The beauty of videos is that they can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere. Upload them on your organisation’s e-portal and watch your employees access it at their convenience. And the cons: Internet speed: Videos require broadband and not everyone will have the same data plan. Videos could take long to load. Video quality: If the video isn’t of a good quality, whether it’s the picture or the sound, or the script, learners could lose interest quickly Expensive: Even the simplest video will require a budget. It is often less expensive to use real actors rather than costly graphics or animation. Requires more time: Creating a video requires planning and an investment of time – to script, record and edit. Localization: It takes more time, effort, and money to remake a video in different languages. Sub-titling helps, but often the nuances get lost in translation. The verdict: All said and done, including videos in your eLearning modules is a good idea. Made well, they can make the training programme more engaging and interesting for the learner. How has your experience with videos been? blended learning Custom eLearning eLearning Engagement Learner Engagement custom e-learning contenteLearning programmes.microlearningmLearningPersonalized training
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