Infographic: 5 Instructional Design Mistakes You Can Avoid admin, February 5, 2018October 12, 2023 Everybody makes mistakes… yes, even Instructional Designers View this infographic to know how to avoid making some common mistakes… eLearning Engagement Instructional Design custom e-learning contentKnowledge ManagementPersonalized training
Bite-sized learning: So you don’t bite off more than you can chew July 23, 2017October 12, 2023 Many professionals believe that bite-sized learning has always been the right size of learning. Some people may think it to be something that contains more useful content and that fits smaller screens or any screen. Micro-learning is learning in smaller fragments and goes hand in hand with traditional methods of… Read More
Personalized Learning: Would You like Fries with That?! September 8, 2017October 12, 2023 In this constantly evolving world of learning technology, the phrase personalized learning seems to be a buzz phrase that is used as opposed to the “one-size-fits-all” form of instruction. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as the supporting technologies and approaches emerge. The “personalized” form of learning involves… Read More
blended learning 5 Ways a New Skill Can Help Improve Your Career April 21, 2018October 11, 2023 Learning is not a destination, but a journey. Every day, every new experience, every interaction with a person, known or unknown, is an opportunity to learn something new. At times consciously; at times, subconsciously. At your workplace, it becomes even more critical to keep learning, whether it’s new skills, new… Read More