Form-Fit-Function – Is it Applicable in the eLearning Industry? admin, November 7, 2017October 12, 2023 Can learning be ‘engineered’? What if we were to use best practices from other domains to improve the way we create learning? Here’s how a basic concept from the manufacturing industry can be adapted to the learning industry. While working on a project for a manufacturing organization a few months back, I had created a storyboard on Form, Fit, and Function (also referred to as FFF or F3 in engineering parlance). I hadn’t thought much of it back then, but for some reason it stayed at the back of my mind and lately, it’s been haunting me every waking hour. Why, a voice in my head screams out, can’t this concept be applicable to the learning industry as well? So, having mulled this over, I’m now putting my thoughts down on paper. Read the article blended learning Custom eLearning eLearning Courses custom e-learning contentmobile learningPersonalized training
Let’s do away with storyboarding… August 2, 2017October 12, 2023 Not! Imagine starting out on a road trip to a new destination, without a roadmap (or the GPS lady!) – you’ll probably end up regretting starting out at all! It’s the same thing with a storyboard – loves it or hates it, you just can’t do without one. I mean,… Read More
Personalized Learning: Would You like Fries with That?! September 8, 2017October 12, 2023 In this constantly evolving world of learning technology, the phrase personalized learning seems to be a buzz phrase that is used as opposed to the “one-size-fits-all” form of instruction. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as the supporting technologies and approaches emerge. The “personalized” form of learning involves… Read More
blended learning Tricking The Mind to Learn: Benefiting From Cognitive Biases March 28, 2018October 12, 2023 Left to itself, learning is a fairly simple process. We see; we experience; and we learn. Our mind somehow assimilates the information that interests it, and it gets retained. The challenge arises when we look to impart formal, sit-down training. That is when things get tricky. Any training that is… Read More